Here are more pictures from New Year's...these are from after midnight.

S- & P- brought over their XBox Kinect, and we played Dance Central. It was a lot of fun!

We were getting ready to pour the champagne, when we discovered this funny label...

..but of course, R- decides to do things HIS way. "You'll put your eye out, kid!"

After kisses, hugs, and dancing to Auld Lang Syne, we gathered for a group picture.

N- and I share some New Year's love.

After returning home the next morning, Kris entered the house first with my hand in his's a New Year's tradition in my family!

Sophie was glad to see us :)
For dinner, I cooked chicken, black eyed peas (for prosperity...) and greens (for luck with money...). Let's hope it works!
XOXO, A Girl in the World
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Ok, the hand in the pocket thing... TOO CUTE! :) Sounds like such a sweet tradition!
My mom makes my dad leave the house on New Year's Day, and follows him back in with her hand in his seemed to work for her, so I might as well! LOL!
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