Here are some pictures from our first Christmas at home...just the two of us!
We mostly sat around and watched movies, drank wine, and played around with our new camera.

Kris got me a cute blouse from Anthropologie. I love that store!

He also got me Jonathan Franzen's new book, Freedom. My mom sent me a copy of Waiting for Superman, a companion to the film that came out earlier this year. We've had many, MANY discussions about the state of the public education system.

My mom also sent us a gift certificate, which I used to buy a new down comforter. It's super warm and snuggly...I never want to leave my bed now! The duvet is one I've had since college - I got it from Target, and I love love love it!

After the excitement of the morning, we watched A Christmas Story on TV.

The next day, we went to Urban Outfitters to exchange a gift.
I got a cool new hat, and Kris got a cute messenger bag...that I might steal from him.

I found this super-cute Bert hat in the men's section!

After battling crazy lines at Urban, we had a few slices at Mellow Mushroom before heading home. Yum!
If you haven't guessed, our big Christmas gift was a new Canon EOS Rebel T1i.
I'm really excited about being able to take awesome pictures again!
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