{...and that we are! Keep reading...}
Days 2 and 3 of SXSW were probably the most crazy awesome days of my life thus far! After attending more panels at Bakespace.com's TechMunch, I raced over to Buffalo Billiards for Mashable's annual Geek Games.
{insert big grin here}
It was a crazy couple of hours because I didn't think Kris was going to make it in time, and you needed at least 2 members on your team to participate. So I sweet-talked a nice guy into being on Team DIVAS & DORKS...and right when we get him into a team t-shirt, Kris comes in...just in time to start playing. The games went like this:
Day 1's events consisted of:
-ShuffleBoard (automatically advanced)
-Skifta Twister (automatically advanced)
-Pepsi Max Pong (beat the pants off the opposing team...and I've never played pong before!)

The Geek Games bracket after Day 1.
I also had the pleasure of meeting Romany Malco (of Weeds and 40 Year Old Virgin fame), who was the celebrity host of this year's Geek Games. He was super nice...he spoke with Kris and I about a possible return to Weeds for the 7th season. Here's hoping!

Yeah...excuse my frazzled appearance. It was a busy day. :)
After the games were over for the day, we were invited to come back as VIP guests for the MashHouse party. DJ Chicken George was rockin' the house, and Kris and I took full advantage of the open bar. Here's what I wore to the party:

Tunic: gifted / Sandals: Jeffrey Campbell via Urban Outfitters / Cardigan: Gap
Sorry...but I can't remember what makeup I was wearing. Most of it was MAC though.
Day 2 was even more hectic than Day 1! Kris wasn't able to make it in time, so I had to *ahem* lie to my friend K- to get her to come along with me so we would be eligible to play in the last 3 rounds. She was more than a lil miffed at me for misleading her, lol...so I'm not gonna piss her off any more by posting a picture of her.
Day 2's events consisted of:
-Sphero Bowling (SUPER cool...check it out here.)
-PlayStation 3 / Buzz Trivia
-PlayStation 3 / Sing Star Dance
{...insert sly grin...}
Sphero Bowling was OMG SUPER FUN! We practiced a bit before the games started, and we also watched other teams to figure out a winning strategy. Also, we got pretty plastered. And guess what?

...it worked! BWAHAHAHAHAA!!!! DIVAS & DORKS advanced to the 5th round.
{Disclaimer: since we were so plastered, my pictures from Day 2 sucked. Just a warning.}
I am usually pretty good at trivia games anyway, and so we kicked ASS at Buzz Trivia! K- and I pretty much stayed in 1st and 2nd place for the entire game, so we were a shoe-in for the win. Do I sound like a douchebag for being so happy that we mopped the floor with that team? If so, whatev...they tried to do us dirty and lost. Sorry dudes. :P
And this is the part where Kris shows up....just in time for the FINAL ROUND!
I should probably point out that I am also unbeatable at the karaoke portion of Sing Star...but I have never done the dance part. So I had to BEG K- to swallow her pride and show off her dance moves so we could win this thing. Best 2 out of 3 songs:
-Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun
-Soulja Boy - Crank That
(LOST...ONLY because I was singing the wrong lines for half the song...eEp! O_o)
-Outkast (Andre 3000) - Hey Ya!
...so you know what THAT means...

That's right.
To tell the truth, Team KILLAZ gave us a run for our $$$$....the game was THAT close. And they were really good sports about not winning, so I gave them all hugs. :)
Wanna know what we won?
- TWO PS3's with 2 Buzz Trivia party packs, 2 SingStar Dance party packs (with 2 microphones and 1 motion controller each...), 2 copies of Motion Sports, and 2 Karaoke Revolution party packs. I gave one of each to K- for being such a good sport. (Needless to say, she wasn't mad anymore after all that...)
- a new 46" Sony Internet TV. *jaw drop* This is seriously the most awesome gadget I have ever seen in life.
...not to brag y'all, but I have NEVER won anything in my LIFE. And all this on top of the fact that Kris had been laid off that morning and I was seriously freaking out about it. (No worries, we're ok...)

After the excitement died down, we were invited to come back to the VIP dinner and party that evening. We went and hung out for a bit, but we went home early. I was exhausted!

SUPER happy at the VIP dinner...
All in all, an unexpectedly jubilant ending to a day that started out pretty shitty.
I have MUCH more to tell about the rest of SXSW, so stay tuned! I promise the rest is coming soon!
Until then, XOXO! (leave some comment love!)
1 comment:
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! #sxswinning! LOL. I hope to get down to ATX early next month and come over to play your fun games on your awesome TV!
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