Saturday, May 21, 2011

::Run The World::

{Picture from The Hype Factor}

Public Service Announcement:
I am super-sorry for my lack of posts lately. I can't even begin to explain how busy I've been, and it doesn't look like I'll be getting a respite anytime soon.

Ok! So Beyonce's new super-hyped up video came out yesterday, and to be honest, I was a little underwhelmed. I don't know what I expected, but I didn't get much fulfillment in the way of choreography.


Beyonce is giving me LIFE with the fashion in this video!

I'm not gonna bother posting screenshots, but if you want a full breakdown of each outfit, please visit Fashion Bomb Daily. I "borrowed" the pictures from them, and I want to thank them for posting the fashion breakdown so quickly!

Take a look at the video (if you haven't already watched five million times...)!

Have you keeled over from the fabulous yet? I have no desire to be famous, but if I could wear clothes like that all the time, I *might* change my mind. Below are my top three looks from the video:

Jean Paul Gaultier, Spring 2011 Couture

Gareth Pugh Fall 2011

Alexander McQueen Fall 2010   

I loves me some McQueen.

...And I'm also digging the gold headpiece she's wearing in the very beginning. I want!

So, what did you like or dislike about the video? Sound off in the comments!

Until next time (hopefully soon...),

Grrl in the Wrrld

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