Sunday, May 22, 2011

::Little Blue Box::

What piece of jewelry do you wear everyday? Besides my wedding ring, I always wear this Elsa Peretti Open Heart pendant by Tiffany and Co., a gift from my parents a few years back. But that's not really the point of this post...

...I was polishing my nails with the bottle of Mischievous Mint (MAC) I recently acquired, and thought "This color blue reminds me of something...what is it?" It took me all of 10 seconds to figure it's the same color as the little blue box that every girl wants.

Excuse the crap polish job. I don't have steady hands.

...Now if I could only get the matching earrings...*ahem*

Saturday, May 21, 2011

::Run The World::

{Picture from The Hype Factor}

Public Service Announcement:
I am super-sorry for my lack of posts lately. I can't even begin to explain how busy I've been, and it doesn't look like I'll be getting a respite anytime soon.

Ok! So Beyonce's new super-hyped up video came out yesterday, and to be honest, I was a little underwhelmed. I don't know what I expected, but I didn't get much fulfillment in the way of choreography.


Beyonce is giving me LIFE with the fashion in this video!

I'm not gonna bother posting screenshots, but if you want a full breakdown of each outfit, please visit Fashion Bomb Daily. I "borrowed" the pictures from them, and I want to thank them for posting the fashion breakdown so quickly!

Take a look at the video (if you haven't already watched five million times...)!

Have you keeled over from the fabulous yet? I have no desire to be famous, but if I could wear clothes like that all the time, I *might* change my mind. Below are my top three looks from the video:

Jean Paul Gaultier, Spring 2011 Couture

Gareth Pugh Fall 2011

Alexander McQueen Fall 2010   

I loves me some McQueen.

...And I'm also digging the gold headpiece she's wearing in the very beginning. I want!

So, what did you like or dislike about the video? Sound off in the comments!

Until next time (hopefully soon...),

Grrl in the Wrrld